BBBCO Jack Petchey Award Winners…

& the Winner is……Here is a list of some of the winners of the Jack Petchey Awards which included Community Cash Injections to maintain the running of the Community over the Years and in no particular order…  

Name of award winner: Jumana Khanom

Age of award winner: 17

 Reason for award: When Jumana first started attending our sessions, she had very little confidence. was very quiet, would not be comfortable in a group environments and lack confidence to do anything. Since then, her confident has increased so much that recently, she helped put together a small play which was performed in front of the local community. she not only made huge contribution in terms of her ideas as to what the play was about, but also played one of the main charators. to be abple to work as a team, confident enough to give input and then act in front of an audience represents a massive improvement in her confidence.

£200 grant will be used for: Jumana and her peers have been discussing possibilities of being involved in doing something that addresses the need to improve on healthier lifestyle and therefore they have decided to run an aerobics glass once a week. this grant will be used for materials for the aerobics class such as aerobics mats, excercise ball and steps.

Name of award winner: Shakir Ahmed

Age of award winner: 17

Reason for award: Shakir is a NEET and was identified as one of those young individuals who are at risk of offending and isolation. Having engaged with Shakir through some pilot drama workshops, he has enjoyed it so much that he became one of the voluntary project coordinators of a film making programme. He has thrived on the responsibility which has improved his confidence, leadership, communication and negotiation skills. It has also allowed him to express himself in a positive way and he has also contributed towards helping other to benefit in the same way by using his popular status amongst his peers to influences others to take part.

£200 grant will be used for: Due to his role as a project coordinator for a film making project, Shakir has decided to take 25 young people to the theatre to watch a show called Merchant of Bollywood. He has negotiated a huge discount himself and the improvement in him is shown through his pro activeness.

Name of award winner: Rayhana Khanom

Age of award winner: 22

Reason for award: One of the most challenging period for the community is during the school holidays where incidents increase due to local children having nothing much to do. Despite having study and work commitments Rayhana gave a lot of her time to organise 2 half term programme where up to 80 8-13 year olds attended. She has demonstrated great organisational and team work skills to get this done and contributed towards a reduction in incidents during school holidays.

£200 grant will be used for: Our girls session meet every week at the centre which is a very simple hall. Having recently secured free donation of a Nintendo Wii, Rayhana has decided to invest the money towards a new TV upgrade as the existing one is about 10 years old. This will allow the girls to enjoy their session by taking advantage of the Wii and the new TV. It will also benefit other centre users such as the youth sessions who can now enjoy the upcoming world cup.

Name of award winner: Husna Begum

Age of award winner: 19

Reason for award: Having been a participant to various youth sessions, Husna has recently become more keen in helping with the planning and organising the structured youth sessions. She has been offered the opportunity to volunteer during sessions and she has enjoiyed the responsibility so much that she decided to enrol in one of our accredited training sessions we run. She has sucessfully completed her introduction to youth work course and continues to help with the youth sessions. Her confidence, leadership, teamwork and problem solving skills has improved as well as having an accredited qualification wich will help he career progression should she choose to pursue a career as a youth worker.

200 GBP grant will be used for: One of Husna’s Idea was to begin a self defense class and this grant will be used to purchase equipment such as Mats / punch bags / scales / skipping ropes and a Weight scale.

Amin Ali – Volunteered and made a very interesting documentary which was then put on various websites and even aired on sky channel. His informative documentary was about CRB checks. This involved him going to other organisations which also helped improve our organisations relationship with other similar projects. He also had to do alot or research and it showed commitment on his part and his peers wanted to recognise that.  – Watch Video

Amin Has decided to contribute the award towards the purchase of a new computer that the organisation wants to purchase so that we can give young people access to learn new things and give access to the youth for our website updates, do cv’s etc.   

Oliur Rahman was instrumental in helping resolve a potentially dangerous dispute between youths from 2 different estates where there was a great risk or someone being seriously injured or even killed. He took it upon himself to help resolve and calm the situation by holding various meeting with individuals to persuade them that violence was not a way to resolve dispute but opening dialogue was. 

Oli contributed to the Youth Football Team with New Tracksuits. 

A.Hussain – has in his own time, designed and printed a small booklet to be distrubuted locally informing more people about what we do in an effort to raise awareness and invite more participants. He done this all at his own initiative, his own time and with his own resources through using skills he has learned in his college as a graphic design student.

The grant will be used on our youth centre which is just a plain hall and the young people have been asking us to make it more comfortable and open at least twice a week so that they have somewhere safe to go where they can socialise in a safe environment. Hussain has decided to use it as contribution towards a second hand pool table so that they have extra activities to do when socialising at the youth club. 

Mamanur (15) – is a valuable member of our youth football team. His School attendance record has been un acceptable and his parents decided that he would not be allowed to attend football practice unless he improves his attendance. He has since improved his attendance at school therefore allowing him to participate in the football activities again and not let his team mates down.

The grant will be used for the youth centreand Mamanur has decided to contribute towards the purchase of a second hand football table game and some basic furniture (Chairs + Tables) 

A.Kashim regularly attends our weekly football training sessions and is a heavy smoker. Having complained about smokers cough, one of the management suggested that he consulted a doctor and then give up smoking. Although it was difficult for him, through our support and some Nicotine Patches, he has successfully given up smoking which has seen an improvement on his health and prompted others to also attempt at quitting. 

The grant will be used for the football team was in need of new equipment such as training balls, bibs, cones and he decided that the money would be best spend on new football equipment. 

Mijanul has been a member of this organisation since he was 17 years or age. Having left school with no qualifications or any training to get into employment, he has volteered his time to help the organisation to gain valuable experience. He has also attended various training courses and has equipped himself enough to get into full time employment as a youth worker. Despite all this, he remains committed to this organisation and continues to help on a voluntary basis. 

His grant was enabled the registration, design and purchase of web space for our site.

A.Salam has emerged as a person who has taken leadership to help this organisation by playin a key role in helping to design our website. He has attended various web design courses and the skills he has learned have been beneficial to the organisation and we hope he continues to apply them. 

Abul has made the decision to use the award towards purchasing a digital camera so that pictures could be taken and uploaded onto the website. 

Abdul Hamid – Because of the increase in participation, it was decided that we would form a second football team to allow everyone to participate more. Abdul Hamid took the responsibilty of forming the team and as well as being a player, he also managed this team which is not easy. it is yet again evident that the young people are taking responsibilty which is positive.

Because we had formed a second football team, Abdul hamid has decided to use his awards towards purchasing additional balls, bibs and equipment for the organisation so that his peers are not short of things to use.

Leader Award – Naz Hussain was one the founding members of the organisation who has played a key role in helping establish it as one of the main focal point for the youth in this community. He grew up in this area of tower Hamlets all his life and over the past 5 years, has done so many things on a voluntary basis to help improve the lives of so many people and also encourage the youth. There was a period of 3 years when he moved to Cambridge, yet despite work / family commitments, he still commuted to London to help the community. He was instrumental in helping the organisation apply to join the Jack Petchey scheme and I think it is about time we recognise his contribution and give him the opportunity to decide what he thinks we should spend the leaders award on. 

Sultana Khanom volunteered to help set up and run a new programme addressed at making provisions for female members of the local community. She has been instrumental in making this weekly girls only session a success through her leadership and community engagement skills. the sessios is held on a weekly basis at the Marner Centre where various activities take place including cooking classes, revision classes, drama and other activities/workshops.

She spent the grant on the purchase of equipment + materials for the weekly girls activities. This includes cooking untensils for cookery classes, board games, sports equipment for outdoor activities.

Khalid was recruited as a volunteer to help increase participation by setting up a new football team aimed at encouraging attendance from under 14′s. He has manages to set up a new under 14 football team and holds a weekly practice session every week where average attendance is approximately 25 under 14′s. He has exceeded all expectations by also entering this team to a local league and they have successfully been participating for the past month. He spent his award on sports equiptment.

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